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Monday, June 24, 2019

Free Crochet Pattern + Graph: "Deer Stag" C2C Square - Wildlife Graphghan CAL Block 8

The Deer Stag is the 8th. C2C Square of the Wildlife Graphghan.

If you wonder what happened, why there's one week delay in publishing the pattern, I must confess! Sometimes things don't always pan out as we expect. It took me 3 times to design and crochet the deer until I finally liked how it looks.

I am always trying to bring you my best! :) So, I hope that the wait was worth it and that you like my c2c deer design!

Deer Stag C2C Square

*Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I might earn a small commission if you decide to purchase through these links. Thank you!
Some of the yarns used for this square pattern were provided by Red Heart Yarns. Crochet Hook provided by Furls Crochet.

As you might have noticed till now, the Wildlife Grapghan is featuring wild animals from all over the world. We have forest animals, jungle animals, rain forest animals, savanna animals and soon there will be some polar animals as well. There is something for everyone!

Now let's see what we need for the Deer Stag!

My deer came out a bit darker as wanted and that's why I have lightened the pictures a bit. You can use lighter colors if you like. You could also use a different color for the horns!


GAUGE: 6 C2C tiles = 10 x 10 cm (4 inches x 4 inches)

SIZE: the square is 25 tiles x 25 tiles and approx. measures approx. 15 inches X 15 inches (38 cm x 38 cm)

1. You will use the C2C with the hdc, working the square on the diagonal starting from bottom right corner to top left.

Deer Stag C2C Square

2. The even rows will be worked on the right side of work.

3. The uneven rows will be on the wrong side of work.

4. On the graphic you will read the even rows from top to bottom ↙ and the uneven rows from bottom to top ↗!

5. The first row with color changes (Row 11) it's an uneven row, so you will be working on the wrong side of work! That means that you will have to place the yarn strands to the front of your work!

6. For the even rows (right side) you will place the yarns to the back of the work!

7. There are some parts where you have to make some little tricks to connect the boxes having the same color and not have other color yarn coming through. You can either stitch over at the end of the work, or you can work the last hdc st of the box stitch not into the ch2 space of the same box stitch, but into the box stitch having the same color one row below. See how it works best for you

- RS: right side
- WS: wrong side

Color abbreviations: (See the color legend in the graph at the end of this post)

  • lb= Light Blue - this is the background color - if you like, you can replace it with any contrasting color of your choice
  • bl= Black
  • c= Coffee
  • cl= Caffe Latte
  • w= White (Soft White)

Deer Stag C2C Square

Deer Stag C2C Square

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Written instructions

Row 1 [WS]: lb

Row 2 [RS]: (lb) x 2

Row 3 [WS]: (lb) x 3

Row 4 [RS]: (lb) x 4

Row 5 [WS]: (lb) x 5

Row 6 [RS]: (lb) x 6

Row 7 [WS]: (lb) x 7

Row 8 [RS]: (lb) x 8

Row 9 [WS]: (lb) x 9

Row 10 [RS]: (lb) x 10

Row 11 [WS]: w2, cl, (lb) x 8

Row 12 [RS]: (lb) x 7, (cl) x 2, w, bl, w

Row 13 [WS]: w, bl, w2, (cl) x 3, (lb) x 6

Row 14 [RS]: (lb) x 6, (cl) x 4, (bl) x 3, w

Row 15 [WS]: w, (bl) x 3, w, (cl) x 4, (lb) x 2, (cl) x 3, c

Row 16 [RS]: c, w3, cl, lb, w2, (cl) x 2, c, (bl) x 4, lb

Row 17 [WS]: lb, w2, (bl) x 2, w, c, cl, w, (bl) x 2, cl, w4, c

Row 18 [RS]: lb, w2, c2, w, cl, (bl) x 2, cl, c2, w, (bl) x 2, w, (lb) x 2

Row 19 [WS]: (lb) x 2, cl, w3, c3, cl, bl, w, c2, w3, c, lb

Row 20 [RS]: (lb) x 2, c, (cl) x 5, w, cl, c5, (cl) x 2, (lb) x 3

Row 21 [WS]: (lb) x 4, (cl) x 2, c5, (cl) x 2, c, (cl) x 2, c2, (lb) x 3

Row 22 [RS]: (cl) x 3, (lb) x 2, c10, (cl) x 3, (lb) x 4

Row 23 [WS]: (lb) x 5, (cl) x 3, c7, (lb) x 4, (cl) x 4

Row 24 [RS]: cl, (lb) x 2, (cl) x 3, (lb) x 2, c7, (cl) x 3, (lb) x 6

Row 25 [WS]: (lb) x 6, (cl) x 2, w, cl, c7, (cl) x 4, (lb) x 3, cl

Corner - Start decreasing!

Row 26 [RS]: (lb) x 3, cl, lb, (cl) x 4, c5, cl, bl, w, cl, (lb) x 6

Row 27 [WS]: (lb) x 6, cl, (bl) x 2, cl, c4, (cl) x 2, lb, cl, (lb) x 2, (cl) x 2, lb

Row 28 [RS]: cl, (lb) x 3, cl, lb, cl, (lb) x 2, c4, w, bl, w, (lb) x 6

Row 29 [WS]: (lb) x 6, bl, w, cl, c3, (lb) x 3, cl, lb, cl, (lb) x 3

Row 30 [RS]: (lb) x 9, c3, (cl) x 2, (lb) x 6

Row 31 [WS]: (lb) x 5, cl, c4, cl, (lb) x 5, cl, (lb) x 2

Row 32 [RS]: lb, cl, (lb) x 6, cl, c2, cl, w, cl, (lb) x 4

Row 33 [WS]: (lb) x 3, cl, w, c, cl, lb, c, cl, (lb) x 7

Row 34 [RS]: (lb) x 6, (cl) x 2, lb, c, cl, c, w, (lb) x 3

Row 35 [WS]: (lb) x 2, cl, w2, cl, lb, cl, lb, cl, (lb) x 5

Row 36 [RS]: (lb) x 6, cl, lb, c, cl, c, w, (lb) x 2

Row 37 [WS]: lb, cl, w2, c, lb, (cl) x 2, (lb) x 5

Row 38 [RS]: (lb) x 4, (cl) x 3, lb, cl, w2, lb

Row 39 [WS]: c, w2, c, lb, cl, lb, (cl) x 2, (lb) x 2

Row 40 [RS]: lb, cl, (lb) x 3, cl, lb, c, w, c

Row 41 [WS]: c2, lb, (cl) x 2, (lb) x 4

Row 42 [RS]: (lb) x 3, (cl) x 3, (lb) x 2

Row 43 [WS]: (lb) x 2, cl, lb, cl, (lb) x 2

Row 44 [RS]: (lb) x 4, cl, lb

Row 45 [WS]: lb, cl, lb, cl, lb

Row 46 [RS]: cl, (lb) x 2, cl

Row 47 [WS]: cl, (lb) x 2

Row 48 [RS]: lb, cl

Row 49 [WS]: cl

Deer Stag C2C Graph

This Graph is my own creation, my own pixel art made from scratch in Stitch Fiddle! Please respect my copyright and do not repost or distribute this graph anywhere else!
You can save the graph image for your own personal use to a file on your PC, by right mouse click, option "Save Image". Once saved to your pc, you can print it out.

Deer Stag C2C Graph

I hope you enjoy this pattern!
I would love to see your deer stag block made using this pattern! Please share your pictures on social media using hashtag #WildlifeGraphghanCAL.

UPDATE January 2021: Now available the Free Pattern and GRAPH for an enlarged Bobble Stitch Deer Wall Hanging!

Which animal square of the Wildlife Graphghan is you favorite? What animals would you like to see next? Let me know in the comments below!

If you have missed any of the previous wildlife animal squares, check out the Wildlife Graphghan CAL Page!

For more free crochet patterns and tutorials, please visit my FREE Crochet Pattern Page!

Many thanks to Red Heart Yarns for sending me yarn samples that were used for this square pattern!

Don't miss out new free crochet patterns, tutorials and other updates from My Hobby is Crochet! Subscribe to our FREE Newsletter and follow My Hobby is Crochet on Facebook, Pinterest , Bloglovin , Google+, Instagram and Twitter.

Deer Stag C2C Square
Written Instructions, Pictures and Graph - Copyright © 2019 Kinga Erdem

This pattern is free for your own personal use. No mass production or factury manufacturing of any kind! You can sell the products of your work, a link back to my blog would be appreciated.
Do not use my photos for selling purposes or modify them in any way.
Please don't repost the pattern itself to any other sites, but please share the link to the pattern if you want to share the pattern with your friends.
You may not give away copies of this pattern.
Do not make video tutorials or translate my pattern in other languages without my written consent!

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  1. Beautiful work. You are certainly talented. So nice of you to share the pattern.

    1. Thank you for your compliment! And you're very welcome!

  2. Very cool! Graphghans are amazing!

  3. This is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!

    1. You're very welcome! Please enjoy and share pictures of your creation, if you'll use the pattern.

  4. I love it. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Hi there! I love your wildlife c2c afghan. I want to print it to make for my sister, who loves wildlife. But both computers and printers I own, wont let me print. Do you have it in pdf? I would appreciate it much!

    1. Hi Berni, I don't offer pdf's, you would need to highlight the text, copy and paste into a file on your pc. Save the graph image by right mouse click, "Save Image". And you can then print it out.

  6. I so much love this pattern. It looks so real. I think that's what makes us all enjoy do this project.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad that you like my work! :)

  7. need help on my deer stag, ready to decrease,but not sure of the color. i ended with caffe latte . so do i do my sl st with the the same color or do i do it with my new color. i just don,t want to mess it up. can some one help me out. row 27 starts with 3 beige.

  8. I adore your pattern very much.
    buch the 27th row has a mistake: where "c" should be, there is written "cl".

    1. Hi,I have checked, but there is no mistake. It is all good the way it's written. It is an uneven row, you should read the graph from the bottom to the top.

  9. I am allmost done love the pattern c2c let you see it when done for my sons birthday in aug.

    1. That's awesome!I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I hope your son will love it!

  10. What is the finished measurements
