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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

It's again that wonderful time of year! Happy Nicholas Day! As tradition in Germany (and other European Countries) the 6th December is Saint Nicholas Day and the stockings (or boots) are filled with goodies overnight! The children who have behaved well during the year are receiving from Saint Nicholas small presents and sweets. :)

I have designed the Dreamy Stocking for my smallest one to take to Kindergarten for Nikolaus Day.
I hope that you (and your children) will love it as much as we do!

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

*Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I might earn a small commission if you decide to purchase through these links. Thank you!
The yarn was provided by Red Heart Yarns.

Dreamy Christmas Stocking 

My little girl was so thrilled of her stocking! She just loved the bright colours and the sweet little pom poms! “My stocking is the prettiest!”, she said! :) Her joy made me so happy!

I’m sharing my free pattern with you to make your own Dreamy Stocking for Christmas. And if I’m a bit late this year, you can still save this pattern for the years to come.

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For this cheerful stocking I have combined a shiny and soft white solid color yarn with a bright self striping yarn. So there are only 2 yarns that are alternated in rounds. You don’t have to weave a lots of ends!

Materials: (

- 1 skein of Red Heart Soft yarn, white (color A)

- 1 skein of Red Heart Super Saver yarn, colorway Retro Stripes (color B), a beautiful long self striping yarn

- 5 mm crochet hook

- 2 stitch markers / yarn pieces

- tapestry needle to sew in the ends

- scissors

Gauge: In main pattern stitch:  16 sts = approx. 4 inches (10 cm) and 11 rows = 4 inches (10 cm)

Size: The finished stocking is about 5.5 inches (14 cm) wide and 15.5 inches (40 cm) long with the ribbing unfolded.

Stitches, Terms (US) and Abbreviations:

- ch: chain

- ch arch: here 5 ch

- sc: single crochet

- dc: double crochet

- sk: skip

- sl st : slip stitch

- shell: (2dc, 1ch, 2dc) worked into same stitch

- beg: beginning

- ch1 sp - chain one space

- dec sc: decrease single crochet, single crochet 2 together

- rep: repeat

Special Stitches and Techniques:

1) Yarn Over Slip Stitch (yo-slst): Yarn over (yo) and insert the hook into 2nd chain from hook; yarn over and draw the yarn through the chain (You have now 3 loops on the hook). Having the 3 loops on hook, pull/slip the first loop on hook through the next 2 loops on hook to complete a Yarn Over Slip Stitch (yo-slst)

2) Yarn over slip stitch back loops only (yo-slst-blo) work the stitch as described above, but inserting the hook only into the back loops of the stitches.

Click here for my PICTURE TUTORIAL for both yo-slst and yo-slst-blo!

4) Seamless join into round:
For a perfect seamless look it was used a special joining into round - The invisible Join, while the rounds are started with chainless starting double crochet stitches (csdc).

You can learn how in this Video Tutorial from Yay for Yarn on YouTube:
The Invisible Slip Stitch and Chainless Starting Stitch can Join a Round of Crochet Invisibly!

2) Seamless Color changes:
Using the current color, join into round with sl st to first st.
Pick up the new color and pull it through the loop on the hook. Tug the previous color tight. Start the new round with the new color making chainless starting  double crochet sts, as seen in the video linked above.


The Stocking is worked from the toe up in 5 sections: the toe, instep, heel, leg and cuff. Plus the hanging loop.

The Toe, the instep and the ankle are worked in rounds, while the heel and the cuff are worked in rows.


With yarn color A make a magic ring.

Round 1: Ch1 ( will not count as a st here and throughout the pattern), work 8 hdc into ring. Join with sl st to top of the first hdc.(8 sts total)

Round 2: Ch1, 2 hdc in each st around, sl st to top of first hdc. (16 sts total)

Round 3: Ch1, *2 hdc in first st, 1 hdc in next st, rep from * around, sl st to top of first hdc. (24 sts total)

Round 4: Ch1, *2 hdc in first st, 1 hdc in each of next 2 sts, rep from * around, sl st to top of first hdc. (32 sts total)

Round 5: Ch1, *2 hdc in first st, 1 hdc in each of next 3 sts, rep from * around, sl st to top of first hdc. (40 sts total)

Round 6: Ch1, *2 hdc in first st, 1 hdc in each of next 4 sts, rep from * around, sl st to top of first hdc. (48 sts total)

Change to color B bei pulling it through the loop on the hook. Tug the yarns tight.
Continue working first round of instep with color B:

Round 1: work 1 csdc into first st, 1dc into next st, *ch 5, sk next 5 st, work 1 dc into each of next 3 sts; rep from * to last 6 sts, ch5, sk next 5 sts, ending the round with 1 dc into last st; invisible join with sl st to top of csdc.

(You’ll have 6 blocks of 3 dc and 6 ch arches.)

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Round 2: change to A, work 1 sc in same st, 1 sc into next dc, *work 1 shell into the 3rd. from the 5 skipped hdc 2 rounds below, work 1 sc into each of next 3 dc; rep from * to last ch5 arch, work 1 shell into the 3rd. from the last 5 skipped hdc 2 rounds below, ending the round with 1 sc into last dc of previous round, invisible join with sl st to top of first sc.(6 shells made)

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Round 3: change to B, work 1 csdc into first sc, 1 dc into next sc, *ch 5, sk next shell, work 1 dc into each of next 3 sc; rep from * to last shell, ch 5, sk last shell, 1 dc into last sc, invisible join with sl st to top of csdc.

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Round 4: change to A, 1 sc in same st, 1 sc in next dc, *work 1 shell into ch 1 space of next shell 2 rounds below, 1 sc in each of next 3 dc*, rep from * to last ch 5 arch, 1 shell into ch1 sp of last shell 2 rounds below, 1 sc into last dc, invisible join with sl st to top of first sc.

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Rounds 5-9: Rep as rounds 3 - 4, ending with a round 4 (shell round with color A) repeat.
(You should have 5 shell rounds!) (See picture from marking the heel!)
Cut yarn. Fasten off.


Note: The heel is worked in rows over 21 sts, decreasing gradually to 5 sts and then increasing gradually back up to 21 sts.

Place 1 st marker into top of the last dc of the 2nd. shell to the right of joining seam; place a 2nd st marker into the first dc of the 2nd.shell to the left of joining seam, as seen in the picture below!

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Row 1: Join yarn color A with  a sc into first marked st to the right of joining seam;
work 1 sc into each st (inclusive the ch1 sp of shells) till next st marker; turn (21 sts total)

Decrease rows:

Row 2: ch1, dec first 2 sc, work 1 sc in each st across hee till last 2 st, dec last 2 sc; turn (19 sts)

Rows 3-9: rep as row 2. (17, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5 sts)

Row 10 (without decrease or increase!) : ch1, 1 sc in each sc; turn (5 sts)

Increase rows:

Row 11: ch1, 2 sc in first st, 1 sc in each st till last st, 2 sc in last st. (7 sts)

Rows 12-18: rep as row 11 (9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 sts)

Row 19 (without decrease or increase!) : ch1, 1 sc in each sc; turn (21 sts)

Cut yarn leaving a long tail that will be used for sewing the sides of heel. Fasten off.

Fold the heel piece down so that the right sides are facing each other. Start sewing the sides of the heel from the marked st of the last instep row. being careful to match up the sides.

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Here is how it should look after seaming:

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial


Round 1: With right side facing, join yarn color B with a csdc in 11th st of last row of heel (the st right in the middle of heel); work 1 dc into next sc, ch 5, sk next 5 sc, 1 dc into each of next 3 sc of heel last row, ch 5, sk all next sc sts of heel and sk next shell of instep, *work 1 dc into each next 3 sc of instep, ch 5, sk next shell, repeat from * across the instep; after chaining 5 and skipping the last shell of instep, count 8 sts to the right of the csdc at beg of round, work 1 dc into the 8th st to the right of csdc; work 1 dc in each of next 2 sc, ch 5, sk next 5 sc of heel, work 1 dc at right of csdc, invisible sl st to top of sdc.

(You should have again 6 blocks of 3dc and 6 ch5 arches.)

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Round 2: change to A, 1 sc in same st, 1 sc into next dc, 1 shell into 3rd from the 5 skipped sc of heel last row, *1 sc in each of next 3 dc, 1 shell into ch1 space of next shell of instep, rep from * across instep, 1 sc in each next 3dc at heel, 1 shell into 3rd from next 5 skipped sc from heel, 1sc into last dc of previous round, invisible join to top of first sdc.

(Note: If you end up with bigger holes in the side of stocking right above the heel, don’t worry! You can sew them up when finishing your stocking and weaving in the ends.

I forgot to take more pictures of the stocking in making,  so I have started another stocking, that's why the colors in the next images are different.)

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Rounds 3 - 20 : repeat as rounds 3-4 from instep, the last round should be a shell round with A.

You should have 10 shell rounds for the leg. Don't cut yarn. Continue working directly the cuff.


ch 21, turn and work along the foundation ch:

Row 1: 1 yo-slst into 2nd ch from hook and 1 yo-slst in each remaining ch, slst in next two stitches along stocking edge; turn. (20 yo-slsts)

Dreamy Christmas Stocking - Free Crochet Pattern + Tutorial

Row 2: (Do not ch!) sk the 2 slst just made, work yo-slst-blo in each yo-slst of previous row till last st, work yo-slst inserting the hook into both top loops of last st; turn. ( 20 yo-slsts-blo)

Row 3: Ch 1, work yo-slst-blo in each 20 sts along the cuff, slst in next 2 sts in edge of stocking; turn.

Row 4: (Do not ch!) sk the 2 slst just made, work yo-slst-blo in each st of cuff till last st, work yo-slst inserting the hook into both top loops of last st; turn. ( 20 sts)

Repeat rows 3-4 around the stocking edge. Cut yarn. Fasten off leaving a long tail that will be used to sew up the sides of cuff together using the Mattress stitch.
Fold the cuff over.

Hanging Loop:
With A Ch 20. Work into back bumps of chains 1 slst in 2nd ch from hook and 1 slst in each ch across. Fasten off leaving a yarn tail that will be used to sew the hanger on.
Fold the Hanger in half, sew ends in place at back seam of the rolled over cuff.

Mini Pompoms:
The mini pompoms are made with the help of a fork. You can search on YouTube how to make them.
Hang the pompoms and sew the tails securely to the cuff. And you're done!

Enjoy your pretty stocking! And Happy Holidays!

For more free crochet patterns and tutorials, please visit my FREE Crochet Pattern Page!
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Dreamy Christmas Stocking 
Written Instructions and Pictures Copyright © 2018 Kinga Erdem
This pattern is free for your personal use, you can sell the products of your work, a link back to my blog would be appreciated. Do not use my photos for selling purposes or modify them in any way. Please don't repost the pattern itself to any other sites, but please share the link to the pattern if you want to share the pattern with your friends. You may not give away copies of this pattern.
Do not make video tutorials or translate my pattern in other languages without my written consent! Thank you,

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  1. The stocking is so sweet and lovely. Thank you so much for sharing.
