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Chart for the Blackberry Flower with Tutorial "How to read the chart?"

Blackberry Flower charted pattern

Flower pattern-
Blackberry Flowers by Kinga E.
Because I really like to work with crochet charts, I tried to create my first chart and I'm sharing it with you.

At the moment my only option it is this FREE PIXLR EDITOR program that I recently started to use. Still need to learn more about it. :)

My first chart it is for my CROCHET BLACKBERRY FLOWER PATTERN.

Please see the step by step tutorial how to read the chart below!

Crochet Blackberry Flower Chart and tutorial
Chart  Blackberry Flower by Kinga E.

Let's see how we read this chart!

We begin reading the chart from the center part of the flower.

I made separate little charts for each round and explained the steps made.

chain 4, slip stich
 Flower center- Round 1

Round 1: With yarn color 1, chain 4, join with slst into a ring.

flower center chart
Flower center -Rounds 1 and 2

In this chart we have the flower center, round 1 (explained above) and round 2.

Round 2: Ch4 (count as the first sc and ch3), (1sc into ring, 3ch)*4 times, ending with a slst into first ch of the ch4 at the beginning of the round.

flower chart- center and petal
In this chart we have the center flower (round 1 and 2 explained above) and the first petal.

We start reading the chart for the petal from the right to the left.

Join yarn colour 2 with slst in the first ch loop of the center in the round 2.

*Chain 4, tr4tog in ch3 loop, 3ch, slst in the top of the cluster, 4ch, slst into same ch loop, slst into next ch loop*.

For the next 4 petals you will repeat the whole sequence from *to*, ending with slst in the first slst at beginning of the round.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

Please also visit my other free crochet patterns, charts and tutorials! Please share pictures of your project made using this pattern on my Facebook Page Myhobbyiscrochet.

Don't miss out new free crochet patterns, tutorials and other updates from My Hobby is Crochet! Subscribe to our FREE Newsletter and follow My Hobby is Crochet on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram.Charted pattern and pictures Copyright Kinga Erdem 2013

Please do not reprint or repost this pattern, instead link to the pattern, if you would like to share it with others. Thank you!


  1. Bravo!! I will make it and show you. I see all the love you feel for the crochet and your wish to share your knowledge.
    This is the most important and many thanks for this explanation. Hugs.

    1. Thank you MissDaisy for you lovely comment!:) Yes, indeed, i LOVE crochet!!!:) I'm glade that you want to try the pattern and i'm looking forward to see a picture of your project. Greetings! Kinga
